Official CBB Picks Rules

1. We'll pick 10 games per week for the extent of the regular season.

2. Lines will typically be locked in place and open for selection by noon of the game day. If the line appears earlier and button appears as "Lines Not Locked", please return by noon or later to pick when the line has been locked into place. You'll know the line is locked when the button is active and the game has a blue background displayed.

3. We will have weekly winners and season long winners with payouts for both.

4. If more than 4 people tie for the high score of the week, that week's payout will roll over to the next week.

5. Mobile browsers tend to cache the github pages longer. This is the one piece that is out of my control but the best way to confirm your pick was saved after selection is to refresh after you've entered and received the green "Success" message. You should see the team you selected appear in the top grid. If the team name does not appear, the pick was not saved. Please try again to save the selection. If it still does not appear, please reach out to me.